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Flower Growing

Published December 17, 2008

Michelle McNichols sends us this heartwarming story from Prince Charles: A great bunch of elves is at work in Mrs. Doutre's grade 6 class. A few weeks ago, Mrs Doutre told the class about a family in the area who are a little down on their luck. She wanted to collect some items for them, and someone came up came up with the idea of making jewellery to raise money. So for the past few weeks during their recess and at home, the class has been making necklaces, key chains, bracelets, and other things which they sold during lunch recess. As of last week they had made $103 !!!!!! Bravo to these young people, who have learned to share with others and Bravo to Mrs Doutre for giving them the opportunity.

You will have no doubt noticed that Toppers finally has gas again - of the self service variety. The new double walled storage tanks are installed, and business is off and running, much to the delight of the Sawnay brothers. Rick tells us that longtime gas bar employee Tony is still with them - in a warmer and drier environment, no doubt.

And for all of you who've noticed the lack of gas at McGowan's Shell in Godfrey, Shirley McGowan assures us that they will have gas again soon - maybe even by this weekend. In their case, they already had the double walled fibreglass storage tanks, so all the gas bar needed was a bit of upgrade to the pipes.

Healing wishes to Jule Koch, whose keen eye keeps this column as accurate as she can make it and whose light touch on the editing pen keeps our spirits high.

Darkness got you down? Here's a little thing we discovered after many days of indoor twilight gloom during the great ice storm. At dusk, it's always lighter outside than inside your house. So light a lantern or put a light in the window and take yourself outside for a walk. After half an hour or so, it will be darker outside, and as you turn toward your house, the light of the lantern will welcome you home and your spirits will be lifted.

Best wishes to all our readers who celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, (which this year begins on Dec. 21), or the coming of the Solstice at Yule (also Dec. 21 this year). May your winter be full of warmth and may the returning light renew your spirit. As the songwriter Gordon Bok writes, "The world is always turning toward the morning."

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